We are so close. Thank you for your giving and support over the years. Our Church has a goal of Raising $110,000 to help us with the Next step of our Church. We, with your help, have already raised over $74,000 dollars! Thanks to all who have contributed before and to those who are considering contributing for the first time. Please give unto the Lord to further His Message! We are trying to raise these funds to help us kick start a future Building addition with Multipurpose rooms for teaching young people, seniors and adults about Jesus. Adding a much-needed full-service food pantry, restrooms, and storage for our growing ministry. We would love to see the first step happen this year.
We have this goal broken up in 5 smaller steps that we believe can all be accomplished this year. This will pave the way for the future Building addition.
This year’s step:
- Church HVAC $6500
- Parking lot Update/upgrade $67k
- Church Auditorium Flooring $20K
- Church Auditorium Painting $3-$4K
- New Building Addition Plans $10-$15K
Total Cost This year to do all of it $110k
Will you Join with us, Pray and Give to help our church reach its goals?
On Sunday, March 9, the church will host a special day to help clearly state the Next Step. 9:45 AM Bible lesson 11 AM Worship Service 12 Noon Church luncheon with Sermon, No Afternoon Service.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Jackson