Dear Pastors and Fellow Supporters,
Every time I put a progress letter together, I’m overwhelmed, seeing how the Lord continues to use the Jehovah-Jireh Foundation. I am humbled by His grace and provisions, praying He’ll continue to guide and direct our every step. Thank you, Jesus, and we thank every supporter that has yoked up with us. The treasures that have been laid up for us are beyond imagination.
We give all the praise and glory to the Lord for all that has been accomplished through His grace and according to His will. We thank each of you for your faithful support in assisting churches in fulfilling the great commission.
Since the start of this outreach, most of our grants approved have been for $50,000.00. We have desired to increase this amount of the grants for several years! The process has been very slow, so I would like to explain what it takes to approve just one $50,000.00 grant- It takes 42 supporting churches giving $100.00 per month for one year, to approve just one grant. Please pray for the JJF outreach, and tell others of the need for more churches.
Jehovah-Jireh Foundation Inc.