Just like Dieting

“Just like dieting, everyone knows what to do, it is the discipline to get it done that is needed.” was what I heard Tom Barrett, District 71 State Representative say and it made me pause. Is that true? YES! People in our country are overweight, I am one of them, they know what needs to …

“Needs of all students”

“Needs of all students” Dr. Timothy W. Jackson, pastor Let the Michigan parents and other tax payers put no Michigan student at risk! The Whiston Memorandum looks to protect 9% of students and put the other 91% at risk of inappropriate behavior, potential embarrassing situations, vulnerable to predators who would certainly take advantage of unsuspecting …

Easter is Resurrection Day

Easter is Resurrection Day Growing up in a Christian home, Easter Sunday held some of the best memories of the year, especially for children. Spending time with family, worshipping God in church and having some special traditions made the day special. Even today when I smell cider vinegar, it brings back memories of the decorated …

What tracks are you leaving?

What tracks are you leaving? The fresh snow brings lots of things to those of us who live in Michigan: snow sports, snow recreation, snow man making (our grandson’s favorite) and a fresh canvass for deer tracks. Today the church parking lot, freshly covered with snow, was plastered with deer tracks. I counted what looked …

Auctioned off cheap!

Auctioned off cheap! The mini-farm was lined with farmers and other buyers huddled around stuff, dressed in winter clothing with heavy coats, boots, gloves and hats. The excitement of the pending estate sale, examining the wares of a deceased owner was all the buzz in the cold winter air. What does the whole of your …

“…Delivers a glossy shine…”

Ever see a clean floor and wonder what it takes to get that shine? The truth is there is much labor in having a floor that is clean and the advantage is that it can keep people safe from slipping. After fifteen or so man hours of stripping wax, scrubbing spots, rinsing, sealing and waxing …

“EveryDrop” because of One

“EveryDrop” because of One This may not sound very “spiritual” but I really don’t like the “hold” time and accompanying music that corporations use to put me at bay. You know what I mean? You call a company (and the Lord knows I have called more companies this year than any American should have to …

The value of the “The thank you card”

The value of the “The thank you card” An important part of prayer is thankfulness, but you know that, don’t you? A simple card that came to the church reminded me of the joy gratefulness gives. It was from one of our missionaries, they have been so faithful and our church gave a gift to …