Staying Focused

“I was positive that I shouldn’t do it, but I did it anyways.” Arnold Palmer’s statement about taking recognition from a friend (just a simple handshake on his sixteenth hole of the final round) and not staying focused while golfing in the 1961 Masters Tournament. That single congratulatory moment cost Palmer and he recounted the loss, 39 years later while being interviewed. How could someone who had won hundreds of games of golf competitions, several

major tournaments in his lifetime lose his focus? By not doing what he knew he should do, that is how! The Children of Israel took their eyes off the Lord as they were heading to the promised land, and fear reigned. It was fear that took their focus from the journey that God had laid out. Exodus 14:10 And when Pharoah drew near, the children of Israel lifted up their eyes, and behold, the Egyptians marched after them; and they were sore afraid: and the children of Israel cried unto the Lord. What to do to re-focus? First, TALK to the Lord in prayer, after all He is the Master of Creation. Praise Him for His goodness, repent for your sin, Ask Him for help in your life, Yield to the Holy Spirit. Second, TRUST God’s Word through careful reading and studying. Finally, TURN your attention to God’s Way as the other matters are not pleasing to Him. TALK-TRUST-TURN! The summer will be over before you know it, this is a great time to reevaluate your goals for the Lord for the “to do list” to keep focused for the Lord: are

you Reading the Scriptures faithfully, witnessing for His Word to be shared with others and worshiping Him in church services each service, even when on vacation?

Praying for You!
Pastor Jackson


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