Are you prepared?

“Keys, phone, wallet” he said. Not just once but every time we were about to go to the next assignment- my fellow employee said those three words. They became embedded in my mind: keys, phone, wallet and although it seems pretty simple to remember those essential items, one has a tendency to forget one of them when you are in a hurry. Are you prepared for what is next? Is your loved one? Your family? Your boss? Your neighbors? What I am asking is simple, are those around you, that you care about ready for what is coming around the corner? What is the way to help ourselves and those around you be prepared? Great question, and difficult to answer in a brief article but let us summarize a few of the main things. If you are in the mind of Christ, you want to wait for the Lord’s next door to be opened and do so actively. Waiting passively means not doing what God has called you to. There are examples in the Scriptures of those who waited actively: Abram, Joseph, Esther, David, Daniel. All of the aforementioned waited actively, did what God called them to do, while they waited for what God said He would do for them.

This church, Community Baptist Church of Lansing is preparing for the Lord’s soon Return and waiting actively, are you doing so too? There is a great opportunity the church calls Friend Day, it is scheduled for Sunday, September 24th at 11 am, it is the 33rd anniversary of the church and a great day to please the Lord. You are invited to actively pray, participate and praise the Lord on that day.

Pray for God to use this church for His glory and that He would be pleased. That people would attend, the services would be God honoring, that the sermons hit the target.

Participate for God by inviting your friends. Invite them today, then sent them a note, call them to secure their attendance. Participate by bringing an offering before the Friend Day to help fund the ten thousand letters of invitation we are mailing in September to our community. Praise for God by singing in the service, bringing your Bible to share with your friends. The Lord desires our praise and this special day on September 24th at 11 am could be life changing for those who are friends. Friend Day is a way to prepare others. Our three things can be pray, participate and praise (our “Keys, phone, wallet” to remember and prepare others).


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