Vision for 2023

2023 Vision for Community Baptist Church of Lansing, Michigan

Ephesians 4:12

“For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:”

Our Theme- “Serving Others in 2023”

1. Worship our God- each day, each week, if possible, together.

2. Walk with God- when you are all alone and when we are together.

3. Work for God-with prayer, with kindness, with urgency.

5 Big Goals for 2023

1. Add 1 Family to the Church each month in 2023

2. See 23 People Saved and Baptized in 2023

3. Give out 2023 Gospel flyers each month to our community in 2023

4. Update the Church auditorium with new flooring, upgrade sound equipment, Entry doors, remove trip hazards, and paint walls (a part of the Next Step Savings $25,000)

5. Stabilize the budget through tithes and offerings and rebuild a 3 Month Rainy Day fund for the church as a hedge against inflation

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