Wendy’s health update03/07/18 pictured is Wendy with granddaughter Gloriann who is 3 months old. Because of the progression of the brain cancer Wendy’s health is fragile with flu-like symptoms all the time because of the terminal illness & anti-seizure prescriptions. She has some wild vitals soaring very high then swing very low. However, Her brain cancer hasn’t stopped her from praying, meditating on the Word, discussing and solving world conflicts and on the cusps of coaching her husband to become an expert cook. She enjoys short visits from her grandchildren who live across the street or visiting on FaceTime w/the grandchildren in Texas. She has lost her ability to walk and is dependent on the electric wheelchair to move about in the house. She desires to attend church ( she can’t figure why anyone wouldn’t want to serve & worship God at Community Baptist Church Of Lansing) but is homebound presently with hope to be able to attend Easter week. Hospice nurses come to the home twice a week for visits. She sleeps in a lift chair and is cared for throughout the day. She has written articles about her journey lessons and they can be found on the church website https://www.communitybaptistlansing.com/category/pastors-blog/

Wendy –
I’m praying that God has a desire to heal your body. Your faithfulness and sweet spirit are an inspiration. I pray for comfort and strength for you as well as for your family. I’m thankful that I had gotten an oportunity to meet you in person when you visited your family here in Sarasota (Liberty Baptist Church) I believe that God always brings people into our lives for a reason – if just to see how being faithful to Him can change you. Praying.
Wendy I miss seeing your smiling face at church. I love reading your posts you are such an inspiration. What a wonderful blessing it has been to have the Jackson’s and Community Baptist church in our live.
Continued prayers for Wendy and her family.
Wendy, you are such an inspiration to me and “Honey Bun.” I feel so blessed that you and I are cousins. Our Sunday school prays for you and your family every Sunday, and you are in my thoughts and prayers every day. I sometimes wake in the middle of the night and send off a prayer on your behalf. I know God is in control and that He constantly watches over us. Just know, we love you!