Wendy was asked ten times a day about her health and so today she drafted this information. Perhaps it can be of help to you when folks ask about her.

Questions I am asked about my brain cancer! Interesting Comments about my brain cancer!

How are you? You don’t look like you have brain cancer. Wendy seems rational, with it, intelligent, can talk intelligently.(surprised)

Let me tell you about my symptoms and how Tim and I deal with them daily.
When I left the hospital in August, I could not stand alone, walk without a walker, bathe alone and felt dizzy even in a chair. Through the fall, we managed with the walker/rollator to get around and go out sometimes. Downhill strength came with the new year and now I use a motorized scooter to get around.
Every doctors visit focused on what my brain cancer would do. How was my vision? No vision problems. Did I have headaches? No headaches. Was my left side weaker, useless, or still moving? Left arm very weak, and left leg, deadweight and swelling. 2-3 times it’s size. Had any of my senses changed? No. How was my swallowing? Swallowing is hard sometimes, even water, and indigestion issues. Blood pressure and blood sugar readings. My vitals are all too high because of the drugs(steriods) that I am taking. Very high and very low. Flu like symptoms, shaking, tummy and digestion upsets.
Tim helps me with every area, I still try to remain somewhat independent, but I am getting weaker everyday. I use a scooter to get around, and spend most of my day in my lift chair, I can not get up without it. Tim cooks, cleans, helps me bathe, and watches over me all the time. Mentally, I seem the same. Physically, my face is swollen, and I am losing my hair, but I don’t care. I get dressed up everyday, pj days will come soon enough, so dressing up each morn is the norm. Getting in and out of the car is a death defying experience, and so far we are still alive.
There is no cure for this cancer, and we are leaving the timing in God’s hands. I am so thankful for Tim and his wonderful care for me. Thank you so much for your prayers!


  1. Happy Spring! Praying every day for you and Tim. We love you. Thank you for your post and update always a blessing to receive your post. The daffodils have risen and my tulips are struggling to break forth. The backyard birds are singing praises to our Creator and heard a snow storm headed toward Indiana. Looking forward to warmer days and Sun tea: )

  2. Ruth Jackson

    Thank you for sharing, Wendy. I have tried to not ask you all you have mentioned. Just know that I love you in the Lord. I know a lot of what you are going through because Edd and I had some of the same thing. I am praying for you and your family every day and most days more often than once.I often wonder how Pastor does it all but I really do know. God gives him the strength every day.


  3. Katie Graham

    Thank you for sharing! You and your husband are truly a testimony of God’s grace! We love you both and are praying for you!

  4. I love your attitude towards this horrible disease. Only people that know the Lord can understand how you cope even though a lot of us (including me) hope we would do the same. Love you Wendy and Pastor.

  5. Praying for the entire family through this time. Also praying for the church family. You all are impacting so many lives. Most of whom you don’t know now. May the Lord’s grace and strength continue to sustain you.

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