I love to wait!

Psalms 27:14
Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

I love to wait. I have to confess, I have never said those words; have you? Living on this earth has taught us to hate waiting. We want everything now. But the Bible has admonished us to wait, wait on the Lord. Wait on the Lord, and He will strengthen our Heart. We do not like to wait in line. We do not like to wait on others. We do not like to wait for appointments. We do not like to wait for the seasons to change. I am in a situation where I have no choice, but to wait on God’s Will. That is truly the situation I was already in, but like you, I was trying to wait and plan my way through life. Now, I really know what it means to Wait on the Lord. My health cycle is a waiting game of good days, bad days, exhausted days and exhilarating days full of hope. Exciting days of living past my doctor’s life expectancies. Sleepy days when my body seems to shut down. Medication change days when we have no idea what to expect. So we Wait! Do you like to Wait? I am learning that I am more peaceful when I am waiting on the Lord. There is a lot of pressure on me when I try to be in control. God wants to take that pressure off of me. I can not change my brain cancer. But God has a plan and I will be content when I wait on Him, and His plan and timing for my life. It is not easy, and I struggle with this every moment. Please pray for me.
I pray for His mercy and grace for a peaceful transition to heaven. But what if that is not His Will? I will have to wait on the Lord! Do you have a plan that you know God wants to control? He wants you to wait on Him. Have you learned that lesson from God’s Word today! Whatever your situation. Wait on the Lord!

Isaiah 30:18
And therefore will the LORD wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you: for the LORD is a God of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for him.

This verse humbles me and my complaining about waiting. The Creator, Savior, and Lord of Heaven and Earth wants to wait on me. He wants to be gracious and give me mercy according to His judgment. How amazing! How much love the Father has for me! That knowledge does strengthen my heart. I will wait on the Lord! I will trust His timing. Will you?


One Comment

  1. James LoTempio

    Love it

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