1. Here is some Good News! God really is faithful. Well, you already knew that but it is good to reestablish the facts. The church has chose the theme from Lamentations 3:23 “… Great is thy Faithfulness”. because He is! Thank you for trusting Jesus as your Savior now would you trust God for your daily living? Each day can seem like a chore if you don’t look to the Lord for your help. Here is a suggestion to honor God and help you: pray to the Lord before you begin a task, a study, a new relationship, a car ride (see where I am going with this?). God desires you to be in His will in 2013 and His wisdom is available for the asking. So before you do another thing pray a simple prayer, Lord, help me to please you with this ________ fill in the blank. If it is of the Lord He will bless it.
2. Hand out a Gospel tract. Me? Yes, you. Would you join me in handing out one Gospel Tract a week in 2013? People need Good News and you handing them a Gospel tract will encourage them to look to heaven for their help! Let me know if you will take this challenge, pull up side me and share a Gospel Tract a week.
3. A discipleship class for ladies is underway on Sunday’s at 9:45 AM see my Wife Wendy if you are interested.
Great is the Faithfulness of God!
Pastor Jackson
Lam 3:23