“Is the baptism tank full?”


This is a short note, memoir, blog that a specific group can relate
too. You know who you are, and I risk dropping this line to let you
know you are not alone, a little needy but not alone. You wake up at
4:30 AM on a Sunday morning and the first thing on your mind is: “Is
the baptism tank full?” This is about being pleasing to the Lord or at
least attempting to do just that! All my life I heard about Paul the
Apostle telling the church to do things: I Corinthians 14:20 “Let all
things be done decently and in order.”.  I read where Pastor John
Gill (you know him, he is the guy who was pastor where CH Spurgeon was
pastor just 100 years earlier) wrote, “… and so all these things will
be done according to the order of the Gospel: and the words may be
considered as a general rule for the decent and orderly management of
all things relating to the worship of God, and discipline of his
house; that in all things a good decorum, and strict order, be
observed, that nothing be done contrary to the rules of decency, and
the laws and commandments of Christ.” Here is my check list for the
special meetings we are hosting at our church, this is my attempt to
have “good decorum”:
-Prayer bathed meeting? Check (this is crucial)
-Guest Preacher line up? Check (praise the Lord)
-Special singer coming in? Check
-Bible Study lesson for adults done? Check
-Building clean, presentable? Check
-Bulletins ready? Check (at least I was told they were so)
-Assistant pastor ready? Check (he is on the ball)
-Visitors contacted? Check (please come today)
-Checks for speaker, singer requested? Check
-Teachers coming to teach? (man, I hope they show up today) Check
-Everything else in place? Check!
I am ready to have a great week of meetings. But, then the nagging
thought that there is something, one more thing not done. What is it?
Why can’t I just go back to sleep and trust the Lord for it? Well,
what is it anyways?
Let us see, go through the little to do list:
-Bible read, devotions done? Check
-Prayed for all eleven missionaries? Check
-“Right” with everyone and his brother? Check
-Tithe and offering made for the Sunday? Check
-Been a sweet caring husband? (really, I was) Check
-Mini van washed and clean? Check
-Yard at the house looking good? Check
Oh, well. It is 5:30 AM now and time is getting away from me, so I am
hitting the shower and going to get dressed, pray for me to trust the
Lord for the week. If you are anything like most pastors I have spoke
to you need prayer, most of all. After all, it is the “Lord’s Work”
and He is in control. I just really want to see Him bring a revival
about and not have the one thing I forgot keep it from happening.  And
oh yea, I remembered what the one thing was: to make sure to call the
assistant pastor to see if the baptism tank is full! Check!
Thanks for praying,
Pastor Timothy W. Jackson

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